Thailand Association of Psychotherapy (TAP) is the official professional body for the registration of qualified practicing psychotherapists in Thailand. The Thailand Association for Psychotherapy is a board member of the World Council of Psychotherapy (WCP).

Licensed practitioner members of TAP are professionally certified to practice as psychotherapists with the Annual Practicing License issued by TAP under the General Practitioner Category or under one of the Board-Certified Specialized Practice Membership in the Board-Certified Membership list.

TAP is also a registered member of the International Society for Counseling, Psychotherapy and Psychiatry accredited as a designated professional practitioner body.

Psychotherapy has been internationally recognized as a form of therapeutic treatment that helps an individual adult, child couple, families or other organizational groups to resolve the psychological issues, symptoms or diseases on the long-term basis because it addresses the underlying and emotional cause/s of the issues, symptom/s or disease/s.

Psychotherapy has a long history behind it, from the time of the father of Psychotherapy, Dr. Sigmund Freud to the present time. It’s claim to respectability within the medical and scientific community has also been well established with the advent of rigorous modern therapy such as: cognitive behavioural therapy; psychodynamic therapy; EMDR; Hypnotherapy; Expressive Therapy such as Art & Music Therapy; schema therapy and many others. These therapies have generated a wealth of research to substantiate the efficacy of the therapies.

Psychotherapy today is used not only for treating psychological illnesses but also for prevention of mental illnesses and stress, as well as for emotional and personal growth and well being.

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